Premium Membership

12-month contract. 1 payment of $5799 or 12 payment of $484.99 per month.


Are you ready to unlock your potential as a Bricklaying business owner? Join our Premium Membership today and experience the difference!

Brickies Network premium membership is specifically designed for business owners with staff.

  • The premium membership includes,

    · Business training modules on setups and structures.

    · Training modules on bookkeeping programs and how to use them.

    · Training modules on understanding running costs

    · Training modules on quoting and brick rates

    · Training modules on employee requirements and responsibilities

    · Training modules on staff onboarding and dismissal

    · Full terms of trade and credit terms, along with training on how important they are and how to integrate them into your business

    · 4 PPSR registrations a month and education on how essential they are to protect your business if your client goes into liquidation or receivership

    · Monthly business specific webinars and access to previous ones

    · Access to all online training courses with new ones added each month

    · Monthly group business coaching session to keep your business on track and in contact with new bricklaying members around Australia

    · Access for your employees to basic monthly training webinars on set topics

    · Mental health training modules for your business and how to implement them

    · Psychological health and awareness training for your staff with have access to an EAP service for yourself as the business owner and up to five employees included in your membership. If you have more than five employees there is always the option of adding extra employees to the EAP service at a minimal cost.

    · And of course we throw in a free t-shirt upon sign up and access to all other Brickies Network resources


Premium Membership $484.99 per month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Brickies Network: Terms & Conditions